Our liability coverage solutions include:
Product liability
Quality control is essential to ensure the safety and credibility of cannabis products. Licensed Producers are responsible for ensuring that cannabis products are safe for consumption and labelled correctly as containing cannabinoids.
Additionally, base wordings often contain a health hazard exclusion that relieves cannabis insurers of any duty to defend a health-related suit. It’s essential that producers understand the effects of this language.
Cyber liability
Organizations that collect personal data are responsible for the safekeeping of personal information and can be held liable for data breaches or cyber hacks. Licensed Producers who collect personal information from medicinal cannabis license holders should be aware of their responsibilities to safeguard this data, as protecting this information is vital to business continuity. In November 2018, the Digital Privacy Act amended PIPEDA to mandate an organizational response to data breaches.
Please contact us for more details protecting your business with cyber liability coverage.
Product recall
Recalling cannabis products is costly. To help protect our clients, our subject matter experts identify batch sizes and potential exposures within the supply chain that could cause a recall. We also analyze standard operating procedures and quality control initiatives to help prevent recall situations from occurring.